Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WIPs and Books: Knitting and Weaving

I think I started my Orchids & Fairy Lights hat on Saturday evening. I'm thoroughly enjoying working on it, yet I'm only about two and a half out of four repeats in (and that's before the decreasing for the crown). The reason for this is that I keep on starting new projects; yesterday, almost all I worked on was a case for my Kindle (which didn't work, but I'm going to try again... sometime), and today I started a pair of socks as recompense for not having headphones. So, even though O&FL should be a fairy quick knit, it's taking me a while.

Of course, another reason for this is that I'm very caught up in a book that is eating up my evenings. I started Silas Marner, by George Eliot, a few weeks ago, but I only got a little ways into it. A few nights ago I picked it up again and have been reading it for a few hours each night. This means that I must be a really slow reader, because it's only 190 pages long and I'm only halfway through it. But I love it so far, and am hardly able to put it down.

Hopefully I'll have a finished hat on Friday to show off, but not guarantees.

1 comment:

  1. Loved Silas Marner when I read it 1000 years ago in high school and then ran across a pattern for a children's hat called Eppie's Hat in a book, Literary Knits. Maybe I should reread.


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